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  1. 1.河南理工大学 计算机科学与技术学院,河南 焦作 454000
    2.河南工程学院 计算机学院,郑州 451191
    3.中原工学院 计算机学院,郑州 451191
    4.哈尔滨理工大学 计算机科学与技术学院,哈尔滨 150080
    5.郑州工程技术学院 宣传部,郑州 450044

Research Overview on Spatial Nearest Neighbor and Its Variants Queries

WANG Luqi,  GAO Jixun,  TANG Hao,  LI Song,  ZHAO Yuanyuan   

  1. 1.Department of Computer Science, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo, Henan 454000, China
    2.Department of Computer Science, Henan University of Engineering, Zhengzhou 451191, China
    3.Department of Computer Science, Zhongyuan University of Technology, Zhengzhou 451191, China
    4.Department of Computer Science, Harbin University of Science & Technology, Harbin 150080, China
    5.Publicity Department, Zhengzhou University of Technology, Zhengzhou 450044, China

摘要: 空间最近邻查询及其扩展的变体查询是空间数据库研究领域中的重要内容,被广泛地应用于地理信息系统,模式识别,决策支持,城市规划等众多领域。近年来许多空间最近邻及其变体查询算法被提出,对现有的空间最近邻查询工作进行综合分析和梳理。针对最近邻查询索引结构,从基于网格的空间索引结构、基于树的空间索引结构和混合空间索引结构详细介绍目前空间索引结构的研究进展,分析索引结构的优缺点;针对最近邻查询算法的变体查询算法,重点研究分析了以下几种最近邻变体查询:反最近邻查询算法、连续最近邻查询算法、最近对查询算法、障碍最近邻查询算法和基于最近邻的空间Skyline查询算法等几种,对于每种变体详细分析其算法的特点、研究现状和核心技术,并归纳出变体算法的优缺点和适用范围等。最后,阐明了当前研究工作面临空间数据量大量增加、空间数据维度高和数据查询需求的多样性等问题,并对其未来的发展趋势进行了展望,为空间数据库理论的进一步研究提供参考和借鉴。

关键词: 空间索引结构, 最近邻查询, 反最近邻查询, 连续最近邻查询, 最近对查询, 障碍最近邻查询, 空间Skyline查询

Abstract: The nearest neighbor query and its extended variants are crucial topics in the field of spatial databases and have been widely applied in geographic information systems, pattern recognition, decision support, urban planning, and many other fields. In recent years, numerous algorithms for nearest neighbor queries and their variants have been proposed, prompting a comprehensive analysis and review of existing work in this area. Regarding nearest neighbor query index structures, this paper introduces the research progress of current spatial index structures in detail, including grid-based spatial index structures, tree-based spatial index structures, and hybrid spatial index structures, analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of each. For variant query algorithms of nearest neighbor queries, the focus is on studying and analyzing several types of nearest neighbor variant queries: reverse nearest neighbor query algorithms, continuous nearest neighbor query algorithms, nearest pair query algorithms, obstacle nearest neighbor query algorithms, and nearest neighbor-based spatial Skyline query algorithms. For each variant, the characteristics, research status, and core technologies of the algorithms are thoroughly analyzed, and the advantages, disadvantages, and application scopes of the variant algorithms are summarized. Finally, it clarifies the current challenges faced in research, such as the continuously increasing volume of spatial data, the high dimensionality of spatial data, and the diversity of data query demands. It also looks ahead to future development trends, providing reference and inspiration for further research in spatial database theory.

Key words: spatial indexing structure, nearest neighbor query, reverse nearest neighbor query, continuous nearest neighbor query, nearest pair query, obstructed nearest neighbor query, spatial Skyline query