Academic Misconduct

  • In order to strengthen the construction of academic ethics standards for scientific journals, purify academic environment, promote scientific research integrity, also to further maintain the quality and reputation of Journal of Frontiers of Computer Science and Technology, and protect the rights and interests of readers and authors, this journal will strictly test all submitted articles in accordance with the editorial publishing process. The articles identified as academic misconduct will be rejected, warned or exposed according to their circumstances. The specific testing and identification process and treatment methods are as follows:


    Identification of Academic Misconduct

    The article is checked by CNKI “Science and Technology Journal Academic Misconduct Document Detection System”. If the check rate is 20% or more, the editorial department will submit the article and the comparative article to the reviewer or the editorial committee to confirm the nature and form of the article. The criteria for identifying articles as academic misconduct are as follows:

    1. Copy the work of others intactly or almost intactly.

    2. Change the type of the results of others, and treat the results of others as the their own results completed independently; or do not change the type of the results of others, but use the copyrighted components of the results and change the specific manifestations of the results, and treat the results of others as the their own results completed independently.

    3. Cite others’ protected opinions, plans, materials, data, etc., without specifying or listing the corresponding references.

    4. Fabricate or tamper with research results, survey data, experimental data or literature materials in the article.

    5. Submit the same article to other journal or publications.

    6. The authors’ signature and ranking and the author unitsare controversial.


    Treatment of Academic Misconduct

    1. This journal will treat the article that is ultimately identified as academic misconduct in a prudent manner, notify the author in a timely manner, and allow the author to explain and defend the issue before making a decision.

    2. If the article has not been accepted, the editorial department will immediately terminate the processing process, make the rejection and give the author a critical education.

    3. If the article has been accepted but not officially published, the editorial department will make the rejection and cancel the qualification of the applicant, at the same time give the author an archive and warning.

    4. If the article has been officially published, the editorial department will officially revoke the article on the journal’s website, and notify the cooperation databases to delete the online version and terminate the dissemination of the article. The author is required to refund the manuscript fee for this article, and publicly apologize to the journal. The editorial department reserves the right to continue to recover compensation if it causes reputation or other losses to the journal.

    5. For serious event of academic misconduct, the author’s name and unit will be published on the journal’s website, and the author’s unit and other scientific and technological journals in the field will be notified on the event.

    6. The article will not be accepted within 2 years if the first author of the article has the behaviors of academic misconduct.


    Processing of Author’s Objection

    If the author of the article disagrees with the identification and processing results of this journal, he may submit a written applicationto the journal within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the notice (the journal will not accept the application after the deadline), and the editorial department is responsible for inviting experts to review the article, the final processing opinion will be made, and the review opinion will notify the author within 30 working days.


    The above measures shall be implemented as of the date of promulgation and shall be interpreted by the editorial department of Journal of Frontiers of Computer Science and Technology.

  • 2021-12-09 Visited: 4067