计算机科学与探索 ›› 2022, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (5): 1146-1154.DOI: 10.3778/j.issn.1673-9418.2104106
+ E-mail: cheng_weiyue@sina.cn作者简介:
CHENG Weiyue1,+(), ZHANG Xueqin2, LIN Kezheng2, LI Ao2
About author:
CHENG Weiyue, born in 1988, M.S., lecturer. Her research interests include sparse representation, image processing, pattern recognition, etc.Supported by:
程卫月, 张雪琴, 林克正, 李骜. 融合全局与局部特征的深度卷积神经网络算法[J]. 计算机科学与探索, 2022, 16(5): 1146-1154.
CHENG Weiyue, ZHANG Xueqin, LIN Kezheng, LI Ao. Deep Convolutional Neural Network Algorithm Fusing Global and Local Features[J]. Journal of Frontiers of Computer Science and Technology, 2022, 16(5): 1146-1154.
网络层 | 输入大小 | 参数 | 输出大小 |
Conv-1 | 64×64×3 | 7×7×64-1-3 | 64×64×64 |
MaxPool-1 | 64×64×64 | 2×2-2-0 | 32×32×64 |
Dropout1 | 32×32×64 | — | 32×32×64 |
Conv-2 | 32×32×64 | 3×3×256-1-0 | 32×32×256 |
MaxPool-2 | 32×32×256 | 2×2-2-0 | 16×16×256 |
Dropout2 | 16×16×256 | — | 16×16×256 |
FC | 1×500 | — | 1×500 |
表1 CNN的网络配置
Table 1 Configuration of CNN
网络层 | 输入大小 | 参数 | 输出大小 |
Conv-1 | 64×64×3 | 7×7×64-1-3 | 64×64×64 |
MaxPool-1 | 64×64×64 | 2×2-2-0 | 32×32×64 |
Dropout1 | 32×32×64 | — | 32×32×64 |
Conv-2 | 32×32×64 | 3×3×256-1-0 | 32×32×256 |
MaxPool-2 | 32×32×256 | 2×2-2-0 | 16×16×256 |
Dropout2 | 16×16×256 | — | 16×16×256 |
FC | 1×500 | — | 1×500 |
网络层 | 输入大小 | 参数 | 输出大小 |
Conv-1 | 64×64×3 | 3×3×64-1-1 | 64×64×64 |
Conv-2 | 64×64×64 | 3×3×64-1-1 | 64×64×64 |
MaxPool-1 | 64×64×64 | 2×2-2-0 | 32×32×64 |
Dropout1 | 32×32×64 | — | 32×32×64 |
Conv-3 | 32×32×64 | 3×3×128-1-1 | 32×32×128 |
Conv-4 | 32×32×128 | 3×3×128-1-1 | 32×32×128 |
MaxPool-2 | 32×32×128 | 2×2-2-0 | 16×16×128 |
Dropout2 | 16×16×128 | — | 16×16×128 |
Conv-5 | 16×16×128 | 3×3×256-1-1 | 16×16×256 |
Conv-6 | 16×16×256 | 3×3×256-1-1 | 16×16×256 |
Conv-7 | 16×16×256 | 3×3×256-1-1 | 16×16×256 |
Conv-8 | 16×16×256 | 3×3×256-1-1 | 16×16×256 |
MaxPool-3 | 16×16×256 | 2×2-2-0 | 8×8×256 |
Dropout3 | 8×8×256 | — | 8×8×256 |
Conv-9 | 8×8×256 | 3×3×512-1-1 | 8×8×512 |
Conv-10 | 8×8×512 | 3×3×512-1-1 | 8×8×512 |
Conv-11 | 8×8×512 | 3×3×512-1-1 | 8×8×512 |
Conv-12 | 8×8×512 | 3×3×512-1-1 | 8×8×512 |
MaxPool-4 | 8×8×512 | 2×2-2-0 | 4×4×512 |
Dropout4 | 4×4×512 | — | 4×4×512 |
Conv-13 | 4×4×512 | 3×3×512-1-1 | 4×4×512 |
Conv-14 | 4×4×512 | 3×3×512-1-1 | 4×4×512 |
Conv-15 | 4×4×512 | 3×3×512-1-1 | 4×4×512 |
Conv-16 | 4×4×512 | 3×3×512-1-1 | 4×4×512 |
MaxPool-5 | 4×4×512 | 2×2-2-0 | 2×2×512 |
Dropout5 | 2×2×512 | — | 2×2×512 |
FC-1 | 2×2×512 | — | 500 |
Dropout6 | 1×500 | — | 1×500 |
表2 改进的VGG19网络配置
Table 2 Configuration of improved VGG19
网络层 | 输入大小 | 参数 | 输出大小 |
Conv-1 | 64×64×3 | 3×3×64-1-1 | 64×64×64 |
Conv-2 | 64×64×64 | 3×3×64-1-1 | 64×64×64 |
MaxPool-1 | 64×64×64 | 2×2-2-0 | 32×32×64 |
Dropout1 | 32×32×64 | — | 32×32×64 |
Conv-3 | 32×32×64 | 3×3×128-1-1 | 32×32×128 |
Conv-4 | 32×32×128 | 3×3×128-1-1 | 32×32×128 |
MaxPool-2 | 32×32×128 | 2×2-2-0 | 16×16×128 |
Dropout2 | 16×16×128 | — | 16×16×128 |
Conv-5 | 16×16×128 | 3×3×256-1-1 | 16×16×256 |
Conv-6 | 16×16×256 | 3×3×256-1-1 | 16×16×256 |
Conv-7 | 16×16×256 | 3×3×256-1-1 | 16×16×256 |
Conv-8 | 16×16×256 | 3×3×256-1-1 | 16×16×256 |
MaxPool-3 | 16×16×256 | 2×2-2-0 | 8×8×256 |
Dropout3 | 8×8×256 | — | 8×8×256 |
Conv-9 | 8×8×256 | 3×3×512-1-1 | 8×8×512 |
Conv-10 | 8×8×512 | 3×3×512-1-1 | 8×8×512 |
Conv-11 | 8×8×512 | 3×3×512-1-1 | 8×8×512 |
Conv-12 | 8×8×512 | 3×3×512-1-1 | 8×8×512 |
MaxPool-4 | 8×8×512 | 2×2-2-0 | 4×4×512 |
Dropout4 | 4×4×512 | — | 4×4×512 |
Conv-13 | 4×4×512 | 3×3×512-1-1 | 4×4×512 |
Conv-14 | 4×4×512 | 3×3×512-1-1 | 4×4×512 |
Conv-15 | 4×4×512 | 3×3×512-1-1 | 4×4×512 |
Conv-16 | 4×4×512 | 3×3×512-1-1 | 4×4×512 |
MaxPool-5 | 4×4×512 | 2×2-2-0 | 2×2×512 |
Dropout5 | 2×2×512 | — | 2×2×512 |
FC-1 | 2×2×512 | — | 500 |
Dropout6 | 1×500 | — | 1×500 |
表情分类 | CK+ | JAFFE |
Angry(生气) | 45 | 31 |
Disgust(厌恶) | 59 | 29 |
Fear(恐惧) | 25 | 30 |
Happy(高兴) | 69 | 32 |
Sad(悲伤) | 28 | 30 |
Surprise(惊讶) | 83 | 31 |
表3 CK+与JAFFE数据集的6类表情数量分布
Table 3 Number distribution of 6 types of expressions in CK+ and JAFFE datasets
表情分类 | CK+ | JAFFE |
Angry(生气) | 45 | 31 |
Disgust(厌恶) | 59 | 29 |
Fear(恐惧) | 25 | 30 |
Happy(高兴) | 69 | 32 |
Sad(悲伤) | 28 | 30 |
Surprise(惊讶) | 83 | 31 |
算法 | 识别率/% | |
CK+ | JAFFE | |
人工特征提取 | 88.14 | 87.32 |
CNN+LBP | 92.08 | 88.33 |
文献[ | 93.68 | 88.73 |
VGG16 | 95.00 | 90.86 |
文献[ | 95.40 | 92.10 |
GL-DCNN | 95.51 | 93.01 |
表4 不同算法在CK+与JAFFE数据集上识别性能比较
Table 4 Comparison of recognition performance of different algorithms on CK+ and JAFFE datasets
算法 | 识别率/% | |
CK+ | JAFFE | |
人工特征提取 | 88.14 | 87.32 |
CNN+LBP | 92.08 | 88.33 |
文献[ | 93.68 | 88.73 |
VGG16 | 95.00 | 90.86 |
文献[ | 95.40 | 92.10 |
GL-DCNN | 95.51 | 93.01 |
处理器 | 训练时间/s | 识别率/% |
CPU | 130.00 | 91.69 |
GPU | 2.00 | 92.71 |
表5 使用CPU和GPU的训练时间和识别率比较
Table 5 Comparison of training time and recognition rate using CPU and GPU
处理器 | 训练时间/s | 识别率/% |
CPU | 130.00 | 91.69 |
GPU | 2.00 | 92.71 |
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