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A review of fault-tolerant technologies for large-scale DNN training scenarios

XU Guangyuan,  ZHANG Yaqiang,  SHI Hongzhi   

  1. Shandong Massive Information Technology Research Institute, Jinan  250101, China


许光远, 张亚强, 史宏志   

  1. 山东海量信息技术研究院, 济南 250101

Abstract: Large-scale computing clusters composed of heterogeneous resources are essential for training large deep neural networks such as ChatGPT and Sora. However, the failure rate during the training process tends to be positively correlated with the scale of the training. A failure in any component of the cluster may lead to an interruption of the training task, making it crucial to implement efficient fault-tolerance mechanisms in large-scale deep neural network training. In summary, this paper delves into fault-tolerant technologies developed in recent years for large-scale neural network training, with a focus on how to effectively address training failures at different levels, as well as the potential advantages and limitations of these technologies.
This paper first explains the critical role of fault-tolerance techniques in large-scale deep neural network training and then discusses recent advancements in fault-tolerance technologies for large-scale deep neural network training. These are categorized into two levels based on their focus: fault-tolerance in the training process and in the system architecture and modules. In terms of fault-tolerance design for the training process, the paper covers both checkpoint-based and non-checkpoint-based techniques. Checkpoint-based fault tolerance aims to optimize the storage and transmission of checkpoints, minimizing data loss and recovery time in the event of failure, while non-checkpoint techniques rely on elastic training, redundant computing, and parameter update strategies, providing more flexible failure recovery mechanisms.In terms of fault-tolerant design for the system architecture and modules, this paper explores recent fault detection and management technologies that ensure the stability of large-scale clusters. Additionally, the paper discusses fault-tolerance measures for modules such as containers, data preprocessing, and matrix multiplication, which improve the efficiency and fault-tolerance capabilities of training tasks.
Finally, the paper summarizes and analyzes fault-tolerance technologies proposed in recent years, outlines the current challenges in large-scale deep learning training, and offers insights into future directions for optimization to meet the fault-tolerance demands of larger-scale deep learning training scenarios.

Key words: fault-tolerance, deep learning, model training, ChatGPT, large model

摘要: 由大量异构资源构建的大规模算力集群是训练ChatGPT、Sora等大型深度神经网络的必须品。然而,训练过程中的故障率往往与训练规模成正相关。集群中任一部件故障可能会导致训练任务中断,因此在大规模深度神经网络训练中实现高效容错能力变得尤为重要。综上,本文围绕近年针对大规模神经网络训练的容错技术开展深入探讨,重点讨论了不同层面上如何有效应对训练过程中出现的故障及相关技术可能存在的优劣势。

关键词: 容错, 深度学习, 模型训练, ChatGPT, 大模型