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  1. 陆军工程大学 指挥控制工程学院,南京 210000

Review of Research on Adversarial Attack in three kinds of Images

XU Yuhui,  PAN Zhisong, XU Kun   

  1. Institute of Command and Control Engineering,Army Engineering University of PLA,  Nanjing 210000,  China

摘要: 深度学习近年来取得了大量突破性的进展,基于深度学习的应用也扩展到了越来越多的领域,但由于深度神经网络的脆弱性,在应用过程中极易受到来自对抗样本的威胁,给应用带来了巨大的安全问题,因此对抗攻击一直是研究的热门领域。由于深度神经网络在图像任务中被广泛应用,因此在图像领域的对抗样本被广泛发现,针对图像领域的对抗攻击研究是增强安全性的一个关键,学界从不同的角度对此展开了大量研究。现有的图像攻击的研究主要可以分为可见光图像,红外图像以及合成孔径雷达(SAR:Synthetic Aperture Radar)图像三种形态的图像攻击,而主要的现有工作集中在可见光图像中,为此,将首先介绍图像对抗攻击的基本概念,然后对三种形态图像的对抗攻击方法根据其攻击思想进行分类总结,并且对三种形态图像的攻击方法进行分析对比,同时,针对目前图像对抗样本领域的防御策略研究做出简要的补充介绍,最后,总结了现有的研究现状,对未来图像领域中的对抗攻击研究总结了面临的问题并给出可能的解决方案,同时对未来研究的方向做出了展望。

关键词: 深度学习, 对抗攻击, 可见光图像, 红外图像, SAR图像, 对抗样本

Abstract: In recent years, there have been numerous breakthroughs in deep learning, leading to the expansion of applications based on deep learning into a wide range of fields. However, due to the vulnerability of deep neural networks, they are highly susceptible to threats from adversarial samples, posing significant security challenges in their application. As a result, adversarial attack has been a hot research area. Since deep neural networks are widely used in image-related tasks, extensive research has been conducted in addressing adversarial samples within the field of image processing. Existing studies on image attacks can mainly be categorized into three forms: visible light images, infrared images, and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images. The majority of existing work is concentrated in the domain of visible light images. To address this, the basic concept of image adversarial attacks will be introduced first, followed by a summary of the classification of adversarial attack methods for the three forms of images based on their attack principles. Furthermore, an analysis and comparison of attack methods for the three forms of images will be presented. Additionally, a brief supplemental overview of defensive strategies in the current field of image adversarial samples will be provided. Finally, a summary of the existing research status, identification of challenges faced in future research related to adversarial attacks in the image domain along with possible solutions, and an outlook on future research directions have been outlined.

Key words: Deep learning, Adversarial attack, visible light image, infrared image, SAR image, Adversarial examples